Lightness of Being

“Letting Go of Possessions Bares the Endless Possibilities of Living” By Jane Adams, author of Boundary Issues and When Our Grown Kids Disappoint Us. Like a snake shedding its skin, I discarded remnants of myself before I closed, for the last time, the door of the Seattle loft I’d call...
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Create a Kids Activity Box

From Jennifer Farrington, vice president of education at the Chicago Children’s Museum, recommends filling an easily accessible container with a variety of craft items and projects that your kids can dig into anytime they’re looking for something to do. “The ideal activities box will have a blend of basic...
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Ellen’s Penicillin Method

by Cynthia Townley Ewer Editor, Often, decluttering efforts chase their tails in an endless loop. The home manager declutters the small table in the hallway and moves on. By the following week, a whole new species of clutter has returned to the cleared area. The Penicillin method, devised by...
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